North Carolina Property Damage Claims

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In most cases, you should feel free to handle your property damage claim yourself.  After you car is appraised, the insurance company will let you know if the car is considered a total loss or if it can be repaired. A motor vehicle is considered repairable if the cost of the repairs and supplemental claims (e.g., rental car expense, towing fees, and storage fees) are less than 75% of the fair market value of the vehicle prior to the accident.  If it can be repaired, you are entitle to have your vehicle repaired by the shop of your choice.  In both circumstances, the insurance company will present you with an offer.

If you are satisfied with the offer, you can settle your property damage claim.  Settling your property damage claim can be accomplished without jeopardizing your personal injury claim. The key thing to remember when you are negotiating your property damage check is that you should not discuss your injuries and medical treatment with the adjuster. When dealing with the insurance company your should be very cautious. Every statement made to the insurance company may later be used against you.  Even innocent statements of fact can cause a claim to be denied.

Make sure that the release that you sign is for “Property Damage Only.” If there is mention of “bodily injury” or “personal injury,” make sure your attorney reads the release before you sign it to make sure that you are not signing away your right to recover damages for your personal injury claim.  If you have any questions, contact us–you do not want to sign away your right to receive compensation for your injuries without knowing.

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