When someone is injured by the negligence of another, the injured party may have a legal claim against the at-fault party under North Carolina law. When incidents result in the death of the injured party, the family or other legal representative of the deceased has a potential wrongful death claim under North Carolina law. North Carolina’s Wrongful Death Statute (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 28A-18-2) Section 28A-18-2 of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes the filing of wrongful death claims in North Carolina.
When you file a claim against another driver for damages that resulted from a car accident, you may need to appear at a deposition, mediation, and/or trial. What is a Deposition? A deposition is a legal proceeding, usually outside of the courtroom, where a party or witness is called in for questioning by a lawyer under oath. The questions and answers are recorded by a court reporter to be used later in court filings and trial. It is important to