Tips for Personal Injury Demand Letters

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Tien Law Firm’s personal injury lawyers have written hundreds of effective settlement demand letters and have several tidbits of wisdom to offer injury claimants seeking to maximize their settlement or case value.

First, you do not need to write a novel about every doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, physician assistant, or share your daily pain journal, as longer narratives are not necessarily better. In fact, to-the-point, heavy-hitting concise statements may be ultimately more effective than something the insurance company perceives as disorganized, rambling, or venting. If you are looking to elaborate on the medical treatment provided on a particular service date or time period, it may be best to include up to a paragraph summarizing treatment from a particular medical provider.

Also try to focus on differentiating your case from others. This is particularly true if your auto accident caused soft-tissue injury, which includes, whiplash, cervical strain, lumbar strain, muscle sprains, and most short-term injuries that do not involve a broken bone, bulging or herniated disc, or torn ligament or tendon.  If you have received a soft-tissue injury in a North Carolina car accident, you have the same injury that most other drivers that are injured in a North Carolina collision. Consequently, the insurance adjuster may be very inflexible in evaluating your claim if you do not provide the insurance company with information that makes your claim different.

For suggested length of an effective personal injury settlement demand letter, it is preferable to limit a demand letter to a few pages unless you have a severe or complex injury.  Also, avoid restating your medical records, but highlight what is most important from the medical records, and focus on writing information and providing proof that differentiates your case.

If you have questions about your North Carolina personal injury claim, contact our North Carolina personal injury attorney by phone at 888-919-8889 or by submitting our contact request.

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