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Tien Law Firm’s car accident lawyers have many years of experience handing claims against Progressive Insurance. The purpose of this page is to give you some tips to help you seek maximum value of your injury claim in settlement negotiations with Progressive.   Progressive is one of the largest insurance providers in the United States, with its main local competitors being State Farm, Allstate, Nationwide, and GEICO. Like many of the nation’s top insurance companies, Progressive is known for its catchy television
Tien Law Firm’s personal injury lawyers have written hundreds of effective settlement demand letters and have several tidbits of wisdom to offer injury claimants seeking to maximize their settlement or case value. First, you do not need to write a novel about every doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, physician assistant, or share your daily pain journal, as longer narratives are not necessarily better. In fact, to-the-point, heavy-hitting concise statements may be ultimately more effective than something the insurance company perceives as
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Settlement of a personal injury case between the injured party and a liability insurance carrier, usually involves a general release. Most injury claim releases are standard form releases. In the release, the defense does not acknowledge legal liability or fault. This is typical and safe language. Usually, a release simply identifies the settlement amount and indicates that it is “a settlement of a claim of disputed amount and disputed legal liability.” If your settlement involves multiple at-fault parties or multiple
It may not be who you think. Naturally, one may assume that a driver who rear-ends another driver is at fault. Nevertheless, North Carolina law requires the certain circumstances to be considered in the liability analysis. The Reasonable Driver Assumption While the following motorist may assume that the preceding vehicle is being driven with care and caution, he must drive at an appropriate speed and must maintain an interval between the two vehicles as would enable him to avoid a
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Here are some alarming statistics about car accidents on North Carolina’s roadways. North Carolina Car Accident Stats In 2019, there were 285,074 traffic crashes reported, nearly 25,000 than in 2018. (NCDOT) 125,232 persons were injured, a 0.2 decrease from 2018. (NCDOT) Out of state drivers were involved in 6.8% of North Carolina car accidents in 2019. (NCDOT) 72.7% of all crashes occurred between7:00 a.m. and 6:59 p.m. (NCDOT) In 2018, 19.2% of the crashes in North Carolina involved a driver