Santa Ana Truck Accident Lawyer

We have seen the severity of injuries caused by truck accidents. Commercial vehicles introduce a complex legal element after a driver or operator negligently causes your accident injuries or loved one’s wrongful death.

Heavy loads and high speed already present a potential hazard. Plus, different laws apply to commercial vehicles. If you or your family member were harmed in a trucking accident, you can pursue a compensation claim equivalent to your financial and emotional losses.

It is critical to recognize that truck accident claims can be challenging, which means that a Santa Ana truck accident lawyer can help you protect and pursue your claim. Reach out to Tien Law Firm for a free consultation by calling (714) 439-8858.

Negligence in Truck Accidents in Santa Ana

A truck accident claim is different from the process involved in a typical passenger vehicle accident. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) establishes legal regulations for both truck drivers and operators.

If they fail to meet these civil requirements, they may face significant federal and state penalties. California civil laws also permit accident injury victims to file a claim for their out-of-pocket-expenses, lost work wages, and more.

Signs of negligence that we will look for include:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Improperly secured cargo
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Failure to maintain the truck
  • Poorly trained truck drivers
  • Driving under the influence
  • And more

A truck accident can cause catastrophic injuries or death, which means that insurance companies and negligent parties should not take your demands lightly. If a truck driver or operator negligently injured you, contact our Santa Ana truck accident lawyer to pursue the compensation you may deserve.

Trucking accident injuries can affect a victim for the rest of his or her life. Contact the Tien Law Firm by phone at (714) 439-8858 today.

Proving Negligence in Santa Ana Truck Accident Cases

For successfully negotiating a settlement or civil award, you must prove that the trucker’s negligence caused the accident. Proving negligence will require your Santa Ana truck accident lawyer to demonstrate the following:

1. Duty of Care

The first element is to prove that the truck driver, owner, operator, or government entity owed you a duty of care. There is a general responsibility to drive safely and not endanger others.

2. Breach of Duty

The second element to prove is that a breach in the duty of care occurred. In other words, a reckless or careless act manifested, including distracted driving, failure to follow trucking guidelines, or poorly maintained roads.

3. Causation

The third element to prove is that this breach in the duty of care caused your bodily harm or loved one’s wrongful death. The accident must be the cause of your injury for your damages to qualify for a negligence lawsuit.

4. Damages

The fourth and final element to prove is that your accident injuries or family member’s death resulted in financial, physical, and emotional losses. While all cases are unique, Tien Law Firm’s Santa Ana truck accident lawyer will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding yours to demand the compensation you deserve.

Depending upon your situation, we can negotiate an insurance settlement or litigate a civil award to pay for things like:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Current and future lost income
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death losses
  • Punitive damages
  • And possibly more

If you need money to pay for your injuries, consider hiring a Santa Ana truck accident lawyer to fight on your behalf. Tien Law Firm’s Knightdale truck accident attorney will seek to hold negligent parties accountable for their actions to help injury victims seek to maximize the compensation they receive.

Time Limitations Apply to California Truck Accidents

Every state has a civil time frame, or statute of limitations, that applies to your accident injury or wrongful death claim. Civil courts enforce this legal time limit strictly. As such, it is vital to understand this concept so that you do not forfeit your right to seek the compensation you may deserve.

With the statute of limitations in mind, consider contacting a Santa Ana truck accident lawyer quickly so that you do not miss these critical deadlines. He or she can review the timeline and details of your case to determine what deadlines apply to you.

Even if you think you missed the statute of limitations, it is still possible to file a claim due to extenuating circumstances. However, the only way you can have certainty is by obtaining legal advice from a lawyer.

Finding the Best Santa Ana Truck Accident Lawyer for You

Tien Law Firm dedicates itself to helping injury victims seek financial compensation after a truck accident. You should not have to pay for the losses that a negligent driver, company, or operator inflicted upon you or your loved one. You will have only one opportunity to file and pursue compensation through a Santa Ana truck accident settlement or civil award.

Contact Our Santa Ana Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Ensure you do not miss vital steps by hiring Tien Law Firm to represent your case. We do not charge you attorneys’ fees upfront to take on your case. Call us for a free consultation at (714) 439-8858 today.