North Carolina Car Accident Statistics

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Here are some alarming statistics about car accidents on North Carolina’s roadways.

North Carolina Car Accident Stats

  • In 2019, there were 285,074 traffic crashes reported, nearly 25,000 than in 2018. (NCDOT)
  • 125,232 persons were injured, a 0.2 decrease from 2018. (NCDOT)
  • Out of state drivers were involved in 6.8% of North Carolina car accidents in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • 72.7% of all crashes occurred between7:00 a.m. and 6:59 p.m. (NCDOT)
  • In 2018, 19.2% of the crashes in North Carolina involved a driver that was distracted. (NCDOT)
  • 14.02 persons were killed for every 100,000 people. (NCDOT)
  • Alcohol was a factor in 11,492 crashes in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • Distracted driving was a factor in 53,541 crashes in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • October and November had the most crashes in 2019, with more than 27,000 each. (NCDOT)
  • 25.6% of all fatalities were related to speeding. (NCDOT)

North Carolina has more than 7.5 million drivers, the the eight largest driving population in the U.S. While there may be statistical shifts up or down in a given year, the fact is that if you have been injured in a car accident in North Carolina, contact the experienced car accident attorneys at Tien Law Firm.

North Carolina Car Accident Injury Stats

  • In 2019, 125,232 people were injured in crashes, 222 less than in 2018. (NCDOT)
  • There were 80,277 crashes with injuries on North Carolina roads in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • Alcohol was a factor in 7,665 crashes involving injuries in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • Speed was a factor in 8,550 crashes involving injury in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • Lane departure was a noted factor in 28,451 crashes involving injuries in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • Distracted driving reportedly caused 23,467 accidents involving injuries in 2019. (NCDOT)

When you or someone you love is hurt in an accident, it’s vital to understand all of the facts, and what compensation you may be entitled to. Insurance companies will not tell you, but we will. Call us at 888-919-8889.

North Carolina Car Accidents Fatality Stats

  • 1,470 people were killed in 1,369 fatal crashes on North Carolina roads in 2019, 28 more people than in the previous year. (NCDOT)
  • Out-of-state drivers accounted for 6.6% of accidents resulting in fatalities in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • 14 persons were killed for every 100,000 people in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • 43% of people killed in crashes in 2019 were not belted in. (NCDOT)
  • There were 348 fatalities involving alcohol in 2019. (NCDOT)
  • Lane departure was a factor in 814 fatalities, that is 59.5% of all auto accident fatalities in 2019. (NCDOT)

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