Negotiating Injury Settlements with Insurance Companies

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Our personal injury attorneys have negotiated a lot with insurance carriers throughout the past several years and we have gathered inside information on how each company values claims, what they each pay attention to, and how they negotiate. Each insurance company is different and has a distinct method in the way that their companies handle claims. Click on the links below for an analysis and tidbits of wisdom gained on the car insurance companies you might be faced with in a car accident injury claim. In these pages, you will find inside information for negotiating with these companies. Read on to learn more what you can do to try to maximize the value of a personal injury claim.

Most Common Auto Insurers

  • Allstate
  • State Farm
  • Progressive
  • Nationwide
  • USAA
  • Erie
  • Liberty Mutual
  • National General
  • AAA/Universal Insurance Company

Less Common Auto and Commercial Insurers

Some insurance carriers listed below are involved in commercial auto insurance for businesses that operate trucks and other vehicles. Commercial auto insurance policies tend to have much higher coverage limits compared to typical consumer auto insurance policies.

  • CHUBB Insurance
  • Safeco
  • Cincinnati
  • Travelers
  • Zurich
  • The Hartford
  • Farmers Insurance
  • Selective Insurance
  • Ameriprise
  • State Auto
  • AMICA Insurance
  • Auto-Owners Insurance
  • Southern General Insurance Company
  • Esurance

Third Party Insurance Claim Handling Companies

Most insurance carriers handle and assess claims in-house. However, some carriers refer handling of their auto claims out to third party insurance adjusters. The two most common third party adjusters that we see:

Gallagher Bassett


RIS Risk Management

Examples of Truck Accident Defendants

Trucking companies may self-insure and act as their own insurance companies..

Each insurance company’s business model shares the core principle of trying to receive as much money in premiums and pay out as little as possible, to retain more profits. But when it comes to negotiating a settlement or battling an insurance company in a personal injury lawsuit, they are different. Each insurer can vary with the way that they handle personal injury claims and analysis.

Why do you care how the insurance company chooses to approach injury claims? So that you can do the best you can to try to maximize the value of your settlement or case, and in order to do so, you need to understand how the company operates, thinks, and acts. You must know when the insurer is bluffing, and which approach is most effective with each insurance company.

Some companies prefer to avoid spending on litigation costs and may seem open to settlement ,while others, we’re talking to you Allstate and GEICO, tend to be much more aggressive and much more willing to refuse settlement and take cases to trial. There are also differences in what insurance adjusters at the various carriers will demand and accept for medical records and other evidentiary proof. Understanding how the insurers handle claims can be valuable. Being familiar with the different methods and strategies employed by the major auto insurance companies can also help when trying to negotiate a fair settlement. Knowing how the different insurance companies operate can also help determine when to reject settlement offers and take cases to court.

More Tips for Navigating Personal Injury Claims

  • Do you want to maximize the value of your personal injury cases? Learn how to think like an insurance adjuster. If you see it from the adjuster’s eyes, you can anticipate many of their arguments in advance and exploit their weaknesses to maximize the value of your case.
  • Is there a formula to determine the settlement value of my claim? Note, we do not see adjusters value claims by multiplying the medical bills by a pre-determined multipliers such as 3 or 5, that is a common public misconception, and each case is valued individually based on the specific factors applicable in each case.
  • Watch out for insurance company’s tricks, recorded statements, depositions, and discovery disclosures!
  • A free no-obligation consultation is a valuable opportunity for injury claimants.

    If you need guidance on your claim or negotiating with the insurance company, contact our personal injury lawyers at Tien Law Firm today at 888-919-8889.


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