How to Read NC DMV-349

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Your NC crash report is a key document and very important to your injury claim. If you were in a collision and need help understanding your crash report, you should call a personal injury lawyer. You can also use our NCDMV 349 key of codes to decode your crash report.

What Information Is Included in the Crash Report?

Usually, the crash report will list a description of the vehicles and parties involved in the collision, the location of the accident, time of day, severity of injuries noted, and insurance information obtained by the officer. The crash report may also contain the investigating officer’s opinion of who is at fault for the collision and/or what contributed to causing the collision.

How Is the Crash Report Used?

Usually, each party’s insurance company seeks to obtain a copy of the crash report as soon as possible to assist with their liability determination.

Can I Change the Crash Report?

To seek changes to a crash report, one may contact the investigating officer but absent some clear factual error, such as inadvertently omitting passengers and witnesses, officers generally will not issue an amended crash report.

Speak with an Auto Accident Attorney

If you have questions about an accident report, contact our injury lawyers at Tien Law Firm for a free consultation at (888) 919-8889.

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