Aggressive Driving Accident

An aggressive driver is more likely to make dangerous driving maneuvers that make the streets and highways they share with other drivers in Raleigh, North Carolina unsafe. Reckless driving actions can lead to devastating injuries and property destruction. If an aggressive driver in Raleigh caused an accident that injured you or a family member, speaking with a Raleigh aggressive driving accident lawyer can help you determine if you are entitled to compensation to pay for damages you suffered in the accident. It can take weeks or months after a car accident to regain your physical health. As soon as your initial injuries are treated, call Tien Law Firm at (919) 800-2000 to share the details of the accident and your injuries with our team today so we can start the process.

Tips if You Are Involved in an Aggressive Driving Accident in Raleigh, NC

If you or a family member were involved in a confrontation or collision with an aggressive driver, it is important that you try to remain calm. Do not engage with an aggressive driver. Allow cooler heads to prevail, stay inside your vehicle, and call police and EMTs as soon as possible. Have any emergency injuries treated at the scene and follow the EMT recommendations to ensure the best possible physical recovery. Even if you do not feel hurt, allow EMTs to give you an on-scene examination and be sure to follow up with your physician. Even if you begin to feel better, do not stop receiving medical care until your physician says doing so is safe. Contact a lawyer in Raleigh as soon as your injuries are treated. A Raleigh aggressive driving accident lawyer may help you identify the cause of your accident, the right avenues to follow to pursue compensation, and the best way to accurately value your claim. Avoid saying more than you have to at the scene and speaking to the insurance company representing the at-fault driver. Contact Tien Law Firm so our team can get started on looking at your claim for financial recovery.

For a free legal consultation with a Aggressive Driving Accident lawyer serving Raleigh, call (919) 800-2000.

Aggressive Driver Maneuvers That Can Lead to an Accident

Aggressive drivers in Raleigh intentionally make driving maneuvers that may cause serious injuries or lead to fatalities. Unsafe driver actions can include:

  • Speeding, racing, or otherwise driving too fast for conditions
  • Forcing other drivers out of their lanes and otherwise failing to yield
  • Ignoring traffic signs or otherwise disregarding the safety of others
  • Driving on the shoulder or on the wrong side of the road
  • Weaving, swerving, or making unsafe turns into busy intersections

If any of these actions led to the accident that caused your injuries, contact a Raleigh aggressive driving accident lawyer. A lawyer may compile evidence and documentation that will allow you to hold the driver responsible for his aggressive actions.

Learn How to Seek Compensation From an Aggressive Driver in Raleigh, NC

After you receive medical attention, contact our team in Raleigh to help you legally pursue the aggressive driver who caused your accident. A lawyer can take the following steps to build your claim for compensation:

  • Obtain and study your medical records to form a complete picture of your need for ongoing care
  • Obtain and study copies of your crash report to determine fault and assign financial liability
  • Identify, locate, and interview witnesses to the accident and to the aggressive driver’s actions

Your lawyer can also negotiate with the at-fault driver’s insurer on your behalf. If you need support building a comprehensive case for financial compensation, contact our team to schedule a consultation with a Raleigh aggressive driving accident lawyer at the Morris Bart Law Firm. You can call us at (919) 800-2000.

Possible Compensation You Can Receive From an Aggressive Driver

North Carolina is a contributory negligence state, which means if you are found to bear any responsibility for the accident that caused your injuries then any financial award can be barred. Additionally, insurance companies may try to bar recovery if the acts of their insured were committed intentionally.

That makes it important to work with a lawyer who can prove the aggressive driver’s actions were solely responsible for the accident that caused your injuries. The expenses the at-fault driver may be required to pay to the party that wins the personal injury case may include:

  • Emergency medical bills;
  • Future injury-related medical bills;
  • Ongoing pain and suffering;
  • Current lost wages; and
  • Future lost wages

A Raleigh aggressive driving accident lawyer may negotiate with the aggressive driver’s insurance company for a settlement amount that can avoid your having to go to court. However, experienced legal representation will also need to be prepared to stand up for your rights, should settlement negotiations fail.

Seek Compensation & Tough Representation if a Family Member was Killed by an Aggressive Driver

If a family member was killed in an aggressive driving accident, you may have the basis for a wrongful death lawsuit, though no amount of money can truly compensate you for the loss of your loved one. North Carolina law allows the following people to receive compensation for the wrongful death of a biological or adoptive family member at the hands of an aggressive driver:

  • Spouse;
  • Child;
  • Parent;
  • Sibling; and
  • Grandparent

Act quickly, because you have limited time to seek financial compensation following the wrongful death of a loved one. Contact a Raleigh aggressive driving accident lawyer to find out how you can receive the compensation you may be entitled to for the loss of your loved one.

If an aggressive driver injured you or a loved one, or led to the wrongful death of a member of your family, you may have the basis of an insurance claim or lawsuit for financial compensation. This financial payout can help you have the time and finances you need to fully recover from an accident you did not cause. Call our offices at Tien Law Firm today at (919) 800-2000 to schedule a free consultation with a Raleigh aggressive driving accident lawyer. This is just the first step in seeing if you may be entitled to compensation due to an aggressive driver causing an accident that harmed you or a loved one.