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Raleigh Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

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In the state of North Carolina, drunk driving or driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) is a serious offense. People who choose to drive while intoxicated put their own lives and the lives of others at enormous risk. When someone operates a car with a blood alcohol concentration of .08% (the legal limit ) or higher, their brain function, thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination are impaired, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

If you have been involved in an accident with a drunk driver or someone driving under the influence, you have the right to hold that person responsible for your losses.

The team at TIen Law Firm is here to help. We offer a free, no-risk consultation for victims of DWI accidents. We also work on a contingency basis, which means that we are only paid if we are successful with your case.

Contact Tien Law Firm today at (919) 348-7727 to find out what options you have for recovering your losses after a DUI accident.

Types of Injuries That Occur in DUI Accidents

There are a lot of injuries that can occur as the result of a car accident. Some possible ones include:

Broken Bones

These injuries can range in severity, depending on the nature of the break. For example, a shattered bone will require extensive healing periods and may impact the victim’s life forever. If the bone pierces the skin, the victim may experience heavy, even life-threatening blood loss. This also creates a risk of infection.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are caused when a blow to the head disrupts normal brain function. Like broken bones, they can range in severity. A victim may experience only a momentary lapse in consciousness, or they may experience long-term disability, including memory loss or functional impairments.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can have a life-long impact on a drunk driving accident victim. They may have trouble walking and experience a loss of sensation and movement below the site of the injury. The majority of people who have spinal cord injuries require assistive devices like wheelchairs.

Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding can rapidly become a life-threatening injury, especially because victims do not always initially realize they are bleeding internally. Severe hemorrhaging, which can occur in catastrophic drunk driving accidents, can lead to external bleeding, organ failure, coma, or even death.

If you or your loved one suffered from any of the above injuries, or others, please reach out to Tien Law Firm at (919) 348-7727

North Carolina General Statutes says that anyone who intends to pursue compensation through a personal injury lawsuit must file their claim within three years of the date of the accident, two years if a death is involved, and different rules may apply for victims that are minors.

So, if you were involved in a DWI accident and intend to pursue legal action, you must do so within three years, or you will most likely be barred from recovering any type of compensation.

Possible Damages You May Recover After a DWI Accident

There is a wide variety of damages you may be entitled to as a result of a DUI accident, although we cannot estimate the value of your claim without first evaluating the details of your case. Some types of damages you could recover after a DUI accident include:

We may be able to pursue other forms of damages, depending on the details.

We May Be Able to Help You File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

In some cases, the worst-case scenario happens, and you lose someone you love. If you lost a loved one due to the negligent actions of an inebriated driver, you may be entitled to compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. Possible recoverable damages in this situation include:

Other forms of damages may be available to your family as well.

Punitive Damages Possible for Drunk Driving Accident Cases in Raleigh, NC

Though uncommon, in some cases, the court can award punitive damages—intended to punish the defendant for behavior that the court recognizes as particularly egregious. The fines are often substantial and are designed to discourage the defendant and others from behaving in such a manner ever again.

How a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Raleigh, NC Can Help

We understand how overwhelming a car accident can be, especially if you are hurt and suffering from severe injuries from being in an accident with a drunk driver. But you are not alone.

Our team is here to help answer all of your questions and offer legal advice on how you can pursue compensation to recover your losses. Some specific ways we can help are by:

If you are ready to get started now or would just like to take advantage of our free, no-risk consultation, contact Tien Law Firm, today at (919) 348-7727

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