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Exempt Securities Offerings

Exempt securities offerings provide a unique opportunity for companies to raise capital without having to go through the rigorous process of registering their securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These offerings are exempt from certain registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933, which can save companies time and money. However, it is important for companies to understand the rules and regulations surrounding exempt securities offerings to ensure compliance and to protect themselves from potential legal issues.

Types of Exempt Securities Offerings

There are several types of exempt securities offerings that companies can utilize to raise capital. Some common types include Regulation D offerings, Regulation A offerings, Regulation Crowdfunding offerings, and intrastate offerings. Each type has its own set of rules and requirements, so companies must carefully consider which type is best suited for their specific needs.

Regulation D offerings are the most commonly used type of exempt securities offering. These offerings allow companies to raise capital from accredited investors without having to register their securities with the SEC. Companies can choose between two different rules under Regulation D: Rule 506(b) and Rule 506(c). Rule 506(b) allows companies to raise capital from an unlimited number of accredited investors and up to 35 non-accredited investors, while Rule 506(c) only allows companies to raise capital from accredited investors.

Regulation A offerings are another type of exempt securities offering that allows companies to raise capital from both accredited and non-accredited investors. These offerings have two tiers: Tier 1 offerings allow companies to raise up to $20 million in a 12-month period, while Tier 2 offerings allow companies to raise up to $50 million in a 12-month period. Companies must file a Form 1-A with the SEC to qualify for a Regulation A offering.

Regulation Crowdfunding offerings are a newer type of exempt securities offering that allow companies to raise capital from a large number of investors through online crowdfunding platforms. These offerings have a fundraising cap of $1.07 million in a 12-month period and are subject to certain disclosure requirements.

Intrastate offerings are exempt securities offerings that are limited to investors within a single state. These offerings are governed by state securities laws and are often used by smaller companies looking to raise capital from local investors.

Compliance and Risks

While exempt securities offerings provide companies with a valuable opportunity to raise capital, it is important for companies to understand the rules and regulations surrounding these offerings to ensure compliance and to protect themselves from potential legal risks. Companies must carefully follow the requirements of the exemption they are utilizing to avoid violations of securities laws.

One major risk associated with exempt securities offerings is the possibility of violating anti-fraud provisions under securities laws. Companies must provide investors with accurate and complete information about the offering to avoid misleading investors. Additionally, companies must be cautious when soliciting investments to ensure that they are not engaging in prohibited practices, such as general solicitation.

Another risk associated with exempt securities offerings is the potential for securities law violations if companies fail to adhere to the specific requirements of the exemption they are utilizing. For example, companies conducting Regulation D offerings must ensure that they are only selling securities to accredited investors or up to 35 non-accredited investors, depending on the rule they are using.


Exempt securities offerings provide companies with a valuable opportunity to raise capital without having to go through the lengthy and costly process of registering their securities with the SEC. However, it is important for companies to carefully consider the rules and regulations surrounding exempt securities offerings to ensure compliance and to protect themselves from potential legal risks. By understanding the types of exempt securities offerings available and the requirements of each exemption, companies can take advantage of this valuable fundraising option while minimizing their legal exposure.