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How Common Are Rear End Collisions?


A significant number of car accidents that we see each year in this state were rear-end crashes. This could be interpreted to mean that rear-end collisions are common and occur at an unfortunately high rate.

When you are involved in this type of accident, having a lawyer on your side can allow you to focus on recovery instead of troublesome insurance companies. It is important to note that certain rear-end collision factors that can influence your case.

Why a Rear-End Collision Could Occur

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 87% of rear-end accidents occur due to distracted driving. Other actions or conditions can also lead to rear-end accidents, including:

According to the NHTSA, there are several trends for rear-end collisions, such as:

Economic Damages You May Be Able to Collect

After a rear-end crash, you may suffer several economic damages, including:

Non-Economic Damages You Could Pursue

These damages do not have tangible values, and they include:

You may also be able to pursue wrongful death damages when life is lost as a result of sustained injury from a rear-end collision. A lawyer can advise you accordingly if you want to find out if you qualify to seek damages.

How to Choose a Lawyer to Represent You

Not all law firms can handle your specific accident claim. You need to look for a firm that has dealt with cases that are similar to yours in the past. For instance, an immigration or tax law professional may not be able to help you file a personal injury lawsuit. You should also see what customer reviews say about the firm. You can learn a lot about how a firm will treat you from how their past clients speak about them online.

What to Expect From Working with a Lawyer to Pursue Damages

A law firm can gather evidence to prove negligence and liability. A lawyer will likely first try to settle out of court with the negligent party’s insurance company. Then, they may help you file for civil action if they cannot secure a fair settlement for you. You can get real-time updates on the development of your case, from beginning to end.

When you hire a lawyer, you may expect a wide range of excellent legal services, including:

A law firm may only get paid after winning your case under a contingency agreement. This protects you, as only a successful outcome benefits both you and your attorney.

What to Do After a Rear-End Collision

You should take these steps immediately after a car accident (if you have not already done so):

Most importantly, you should visit a medical professional to make sure that you are not injured, or to seek treatment for any injuries you do suffer. Some injuries may not make themselves known until later—some may get worse without treatment. Regardless, documentation of a doctor’s visit can help when linking your injuries to the accident (at a later date).

Contact Tien Law Firm to Learn About Your Options Today

The aftermath of a rear-end collision can cause a substantial negative impact on your life. Tien Law Firm, we will evaluate your case, gather evidence, and handle settlement negotiations (or trial) on your behalf. Call us at (919) 348-7727 today for a free consultation and to learn more about how and why rear-end collisions are common.

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